Janet Sciales
Prosperity Ritual
An old pagan ritual, and my only superstition, I dance sky clad (a euphemism for naked) and burn a dollar bill as a sacrifice at the Equinox's March 20 and Sept 22. Coming from a time when it was a distinct possibility that one might not survive a harsh winter, and invoking the time-honored tradition of sacrificing something you value, you dance naked under the stars at the Equinox, while burning a single dollar bill (it only takes a few seconds, and no, you don't get more if you burn a twenty). You thank God (or whatever name you call him, her, or it that which can create something out of nothing) at the Vernal Equinox in the spring for keeping you warm, safe, dry & fed through the winter while asking for a good growing season (prosperity) and in the Fall at the Autumnal Equinox, you give thanks for a good summer and ask to be kept safe, warm, dry and fed through the winter. Less messy than a blood sacrifice and not against the law like sacrificing your first born child, it is a sacrifice, the burning making it a "pure offering" of something we value, along with the heartfelt, grateful (thank you thank you thank you thank you) acknowledgment that without God's grace and indulgence, none of us would make it to the next season. We can all use a little bit more prosperity and, after all, it couldn't hurt.
mercury retrograde
Mercury, planet of communication retrogrades, goes backwards (not really, it is an optical illusion) 3 times this year in the Fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius
The axiom is "Bound to be done over again and bound to be repeated".
Don't sign anything, begin anything or believe pretty much what you hear during these time periods because there is no meeting of the minds; miscommunication abounds, mistakes are made and frustration rules. Don't get married, have surgery (unless you are bleeding from an artery) or break ground on construction projects unless you want a bad result and have to do it over again. The only good use of Mercury retrograde is to slide some shady stuff by as people are less likely to notice or to work on things that you know will be refined as the process goes on.
Mercury retrograde in the Water signs
March 4 at 29 Pisces - March 27 at 16 Pisces
July 7 at 4 Leo - July 31 at 24 Cancer
October 31 at 27 Scorpio - November 18 at 11 Scorpio
The Eclipse Cycle
The eclipse cycle begins to shift between the Leo/Aquarius Node to the Cancer/Capricorn Node. The last time it was on this axis was the 1999 time span. Expect to deal with similar energies in precisely the same places as it did the last time with 18.9 years of experience behind you. Remember that the nature of eclipses is to force you to act to get your needs met in a particular area of life to better reflect your wants and your needs. The Solar eclipse represents energies operating on the conscious level – affecting the Sun – so it would be where you project your identity in whatever house it is transiting through. The Lunar eclipse represents your emotional energies operating on the non-conscious need level. They usually occur in pairs, always 2 weeks apart every 6 months. The cycle takes approximately 18 months. The challenge is to recognize the areas that need work and to voluntarily choose to act during the first set of eclipses. If you don’t then the universe will nudge you in that direction at the next set of eclipses and will make the change will complete by the 3rd set.
Partial Solar Eclipse and New Moon on January 6 at 15 Capricorn
Total Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon on January 21 at 0 Leo
Total Solar Eclipse and New Moon July 2 at 10 Cancer
Partiall Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon on July 16 at 24 Capricorn
Annular Solar Eclipse on December 26 at 4 Capricorn.
planetary ingress
Pluto begins the year at 20 Capricorn, retrogrades April 4 at 23 Capricorn, resumes its forward motion on October 3 at 20 Capricorn and ends the year at 22 Capricorn
Neptune begins the year at 14 Pisces, retrogrades June 21 at 18 Pisces, resumes its forward motion November 27 at 15 Pisces and ends the year at 16 Pisces.
Uranus begins the year retrograde at 28 Aries, goes direct at 28 Aries January 7, enters Taurus on March 5, , retrogrades August 11 at 6 Taurus, and ends the year retrograde at 2 Taurus.
Saturn begins the year at 11 Capricorn, retrogrades April 20 at 20 Capricorn, goes direct on September 18th at 13 Capricorn and ends the year at 21 Capricorn.
Jupiter begins the year at 11 Sagittarius, retrogrades April 9 at 24 Sagittarius, goes direct August 15 at 14 Sagittarius and enters Capricorn December 3 and ends the year at 6 Capricorn.
Mars begins the year in Aries, enters Taurus on February 14, Gemini on March 3, Cancer on June 16, Leo on July 2 , Virgo on August 18, Libra on October 5, Scorpio on November 21 and ends the year at 27 Scorpio
Venus begins the year in Scorpio, enters Sagittarius January 7, Capricorn Feb 3, Aquarius March 1, Pisces, March 26, Aries April 20, Taurus May 5, Gemini June 9, Cancer July 3, Leo July 28, Virgo August 21, Libra Sept 14, Scorpio October 8, Sagittarius November 1, Capricorn November 26, Aquarius December 20 and ends the year at 13 Aquarius.